Claddagh ring has roots in Irish tradition and folklore. It is a true classic symbol of affection and love. Its unique design is widely worn and recognized at first glance. But what is the real origin of this wonderful ring? How and when to wear one, and can you use it as a wedding band? To find answers, invites you to keep reading.
Claddagh Ring Meaning
There is one old and famous Irish saying that fits perfectly with Claddagh ring meaning: “With these hands, I give you my heart and crown it with my love.” These rings, with its elements, represent love, friendship, and loyalty. The classic design of this ring includes two hands holding a heart and above is a crown. Each of these elements comes with its own meaning. Hands are a symbol of friendship, the heart symbolizes love, and the crown represents loyalty. Claddagh ring exists around for centuries. The first models showed up back in the 1700s.
Origin Of The Ring
Numerous legends and myths associated with the creation of the Claddagh ring are circulating around the world. There are only a couple of proven facts like this: ring has been produced in Galway, a place in Ireland in the early 18th century, around 1700. These rings were named Claddagh around 1830.
One of the most popular legends about the Claddagh ring is associated with a 16th-century event. It is a story about Margaret Joyce, a young woman who gets fortune after her loved one dies. It is believed that she used her inherited wealth to build the first bridges in Galway, and as a reward for a good job and all the effort, the eagle dropped the first Claddagh ring into her lap.
How To Wear A Claddagh Ring
Depending on the way you wear the Claddagh ring, you can transmit different meanings:
If you are single: place it on the right hand and point the heart outward. This way, you are sending signals that your heart is open for true love.
If you are in a happy relationship: place it on the right hand and point the heart inward. This way, you are telling people your heart is taken.
If you are engaged: place it on the left hand and point the heart outward. This way, you are saying you are in a lifelong commitment.
If you are married: place it on your left hand and point the heart inward. This way, you are telling people you are married and your heart belongs to another person forever.